Public and Private Partnerships Energy/Water Business
Energy/Water Our Partnership with Electric Cooperatives (EC)
The ECs are partners of NEA in its rural electrification program. They are private, non-stock, non-profit, non-political entities that are owned and operated by the consumers they serve within their franchise areas. ECs are authorized by law to acquire, own, operate and maintain generating facilities within its franchise areas.
Our entity, ILAW, has partnered with a group of 40 ECs through their organization, AIEC Missionary Green Energy Corporation (AIEC MGEC), to undertake off-grid electrification projects with ILAW providing technical and financial assistance to the ECs for them to reach 100% electrification.

Energy/Water Methodology – ILAW and EC Partnership
This methodology stems from our over 80 years of cumulative experience in the Philippine Off-grid sector. Our strong private-sector experience in finance, development, design, operations, and maintenance coupled with our ongoing relationships with key off-grid agencies informs our development process and ensures efficient project execution.
Consulation with EC
Technical Study
Financial Modeling and Tariff Presentation
Public Consultations
Operations (Continuous Reports & Compliance)
Regulatory Approvals (DOE, ERC, LGU, DENR)
Contract Signing
Land Acquisition
Energy/Water Pioneering Work with Government Agencies
- Helped draft original Implementing Rules and Regulation (IRR) for Qualified Third Party (QTP), New Power Provider (NPP), Small Grid, and NPC Contracts
- Worked together with DOE, ERC, NEA and NPC in structuring QTP IRR around the first QTP mini-grid project on Rio Tuba
- Worked together through the ERC hearings process and Universal Charge on Missionary Electrification (UCME) Subsidy Approval process for the Rio Tuba CEP ™ Mini-grid QTP UCME Application
- Led interagency reviews and revisions of off-grid regulations and procedures
- QTP & NPP Unsolicited Proposal/Swiss Challenge Competitive Selection Processes (CSPs), EC-Private Sector Joint Venture, Multiple EC NPP Project Bidding Procedures
- Collaborated in structuring the first Public-Private Joint Venture between an Electric Cooperative and Private Company (PALECO-PSPI)

Energy/Water Continuing Partnership with Government Agencies
- Continuing involvement in multiple project biddings, regulatory reviews, public consultations and project development campaigns
- Provides formal and informal advice and input to ongoing DOE, NEA, ERC and NPC-SPUG regulatory and policy decisions
________ Strategic capabilities
- Technical and Financial assistance to EC member-owners
- Conduct studies
- Act as consultants
- Project structuring
- Owner’s Engineer, EPC Contractor, O&M Provider
- Systematic Pursuit of Grants for CSP Exemption
- DOE Accreditation as Third Party Bid Advisor for Fees
- Regulatory and Legal Assistance
Public and Private Partnerships Biomass Businss
Biomass Government Institutions in the Power Sector
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)
executive department of the Philippine government responsible for governing and supervising the exploration, development, utilization, and conservation of the country's natural resources
Cutting Permits to harvest trees
Transport Permit to transport wood to the chipping mill

Biomass Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI)
Agency under the Department of Agriculture responsible for serving and supporting the Philippine plant industry sector
Issue sanitary and phytosanitary SPS permits each time we import Melia Dubia saplings from India